Consulting & Training
A personal note from Dr. Larry L. Craft:
Sales trainers and management consultants most of all will appreciate the fact that, by marketing our assessments to your client companies, you are able to increase your income significantly without increasing your time. You have only so much time in the day to generate an income. As you approach "burn-out," you think about raising your fees to reduce your hours, but you worry about the business you might lose. Every consultant is looking for the products and services that provide residual income month after month, year after year.
When you sell a client company on using CraftMetrics' assessments, you create that residual income profit center that continues paying you, even when you go off the clock. Once you set-up a client to use our online assessments, your income is generated automatically. You then have more time to contact new prospective clients and, as a result, your income compounds.
I have had the opportunity to work with dozens of sales trainers and management consultants who purchased our products and resold them to their clients. My tests have been administered to over 1,000,000 individuals and thousands of client companies around the world. Based upon your annual sales, you may even wish to privately label our products. In addition, we'll personally train you and be available to answer your questions throughout the years of our relationship. And you will finally be able to replace your time with a profit center that generates residual income years after the sale.
Our questionnaires have been among the most widely used pre-employment tests in the personnel recruiting industry. But a personality test, by itself, can not perfectly predict the potential success of your sales applicants. You must also assess their sales skill and their work ethic. As a result, CraftMetrics has developed the 3D Interview Guide system that measures all three dimensions of success: the Can Do skills, knowledge, and experience needed to succeed; the Will Do internal motivation that drives people to achieve; and the Follow-Through persistence, purpose, and ability to prioritze efforts.
As an initial step to this new relationship, would you please give us the professional courtesy of completing our complimentary personality profile on this web site. You will receive your personalized report, based on your responses to the questionnaire. In addition, I'd like to review your results personally as an opportunity to introduce myself and our services. You will quickly understand why our organization is an industry leader in providing assessment tools to business and industry.